Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Life - and New Site

For several months, I have had a new blog site on snappages.  I love snappages, but it doesn't do what I need it to do for this blog.  Snappages is so easy to set up and to use.  Really easy - because I could figure it out myself.

When I signed up for the snappages site, it was free (just like blogspot).   Before too long, they announced they were going to charge for the site, but those of us who had signed up during their "free site days" would be grandfathered in.

As often happens, things are not always what they seem.  Snappages will begin charging everyone by the first of April.  They are locking down any sites that do not sign up with their hosting plan.  That means the blog (www.gert-slabach.snappages.com) will no longer be accessible.

In the meantime, I had moved things over to Wordpress, and one  of the reasons was that Wordpress does what I need it to do.  Another reason is that Snappages  would cost me more than Wordpress does.

So, while I've enjoyed my time at Snappages, it's time to close that door.

All the blog posts on this site (quiverfull@blogspot.com) have been moved over to the Wordpress site.

So come on over and visit me there.

The web site is:  www.mywindowsill.com

I do hope to see you there, and I welcome hearing from you.

My email is:  mywindowsill6@gmail.com

Gert Slabach